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Vote for the name of a human being!

      Our second child will be born kinda soonish, and we've yet to nail down her middle name.  This time around we've got more than 20 minutes to ruminate so we're being more deliberative (or rather indecisive) in the process.  So far we've got her first name figured out, yet for some reason a middle name still eludes us.  Hence we are asking you, The Internet, to help us pick Claire's middle name.  There are 253 different match-ups, so by all means vote more than once.  And no the winner of this vote is not binding.

      When voting, consider things like if the names flow well, or if they kinda make your mouth hurt when you say them.  Watch out for lame sounding initials, things that kinda run into Claire and form a different word like how Claire Renee sounds like "clarinet".  There's always the lame name getting picked on factor and if you know anybody with that name who's an unmitigated bitch.

      For example, our first child is Daniel James Carlucci.  Daniel has DJ as a possible nickname.  Daniel J. Carlucci also has a pretty good ring to it.  We think this is a handy little bit of versitility.  Granted most girls don't really bother with two letter nicknames (like DJ), but there's not a lot you can do with Claire.  Also try to consider the middle name as a stand-alone first name should she decide to go by her middle name instead.

      This also has to be a name that can be yelled when we discover whatever it is she just did.  Bonus points go to any name that has two syllables, which really makes the cadence flow.  Names that begin with M, D and to a lesser extent N seem to work well following Claire.  Names that begin with a vowel were almost universally shot down as they tended to sound like a continuation of Claire (see Renee above).

Selection criteria:
     We printed out the top 500 girl names as per the Social Security Administration's ranking for 2007 (latest data available) and crossed off all the ones that sucked for one reason or another.  The remaining names have been thrown into the arena of combat.  Some of these we're not so crazy about, some of them we really like.  A few of them flat out don't work at all, but we threw them in just to see if you're paying attention. 

Option #1 Claire Carlucci

Claire . Carlucci

Initials: CC

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Option #2 Claire Carlucci

Claire . Carlucci

Initials: CC

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